Simon Bessette

B. Sc. A.

Master Degree Student

Simon Bessette holds a diploma in bioecology techniques from Cégep de La Pocatière and a Bachelor of Agronomy from Université Laval. He is currently pursuing a master’s in agroforestry at Université Laval in partnership with Biopterre. His project aims to identify species of trees associated with the most commonly harvested symbiotic mushrooms in forests, from a mycosilviculture development perspective. Passionate about forest ecology and NTFP, he has been harvesting and cultivating mushrooms for a number of years now. He has gotten involved in numerous student and organizing committees in multiple sectors, including citizenship, entrepreneurship, urban agriculture and the arts. His environmentalist streak and love of community have instilled him with the desire to promote regional food sovereignty. Curious by nature, he approaches his projects with a scientific eye, which guides his efforts to develop technical knowledge. He is a strong believer in ecosystem-based forest harvesting for food purposes; this forms the core of his work at Biopterre.


Tél.: 418 856-5917, ext. 221

Cell. : 418-934-3181